Saturday, May 28, 2011

Laura Wacha’s 50th Birthday Gallery Opening and Celebration

In honor of Laura Wacha’s 50th birthday she exhibited 50 paintings and paper mache sculptures for her solo show. The painting most related to turning fifty is called, “So Long”. It represents moving on in life and saying goodbye to the past.

So Long

Laura Wacha

The paper mache sculptures were a big hit at the opening! They are colorful and seem to have personalities of their own. Here is Lynn Johnson, Artist, looking at “Target”.

Lynn Johnson and Target

Wall of characters

Laura’s Paper Mache

Egg Sucking Dog

Scissors from Above

The show was well attended. Laura is a mother of two and an art school teacher on top of being an artist. Here is her son.

Laura’s son

Laura and Clients

Laura greeting friend

Many thanks to Elena, intern, Anise, server, Sarah Hartshorne, volunteer and Matrix Artist and Jeff Simpson for taking the photographs! And to Kai for cleaning up the gallery! :)



Laura and Sarah Hartshorne

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